I just have less and less time to keep up with this blog. I truly do admire those people who can keep it up, but I've found I can't do this and keep up a scrapbook and exercise and clean my house and mow this jungle we call a "yard" and put food on the table and play with my kids and keep Colby from dying an early death (yes, he still has an appetite for the inedible. Not to mention, an urge to climb on top of things). There are, sadly, only 24 hours in a day (sigh). I'll just add a blog here and a blog there.
Anyway, summer is in full swing. I can't believe it's already August! The first half of the summer we were extremely busy because we were out of town. Jay and I were a Ma and Pa couple for our stake's youth Pioneer Trek for church at the end of June. It was in Eastern Washington and boy, was it warm! We were dressed in full pioneer garb and we ended up walking for about 12 miles with our youth. They were pushing and pulling handcarts (we weren't supposed to help). The whole thing lasted four days and it was very difficult, but wonderful (and nostalgic--Jay and I met on a Pioneer Trek in 1992, after all). We had 11 kids in our group and they were fabulous. It truly gave me hope to see how strong the rising generation can be (they're not all going to heck in a handbasket--phew!). I wish I had some pictures--I'm still hoping to get a hold of some I can upload to the blog.
Moving on...A few days after we got home from Trek, we left for two weeks in Arizona to visit my family (well, Jay only stayed one--I have discovered he can't do without me and I'm not sure I will ever be able to leave him again. What a big baby! Ha!) I know what you're thinking--"Why would anyone in their right mind go to Arizona in the summer?" I'm not sure I had command of all of my mental facilities when I bought the plane tickets. It was 12o degrees almost everyday! Here's the next question: "Who in their right mind would live there?" That's the question I would like an answer to. My family is absolutely nutters! Anyway, most of the pictures I posted were taken in AZ. There's my mom with Maia and Carter in their backyard pool (which we spent a lot of time in). The kids loved it! Then, there's Colby soaking wet in his clothes at a water playground we went to in Tempe. He loved all of the fun puddles and jets of water. We were also able to enjoy my dad's fabulous talent for barbequeing. One night, he made baby back ribs, which were truly delish. The kids really liked them. Avery pretty much nibbled her's to the bone, with nothing to spare. She also enjoyed the ribs because she could get really messy! Maia said, after that meal, "Grandpa sure makes tasty meats!" I'd have to agree there. Another treat awaiting us in the desert was two new additions to the Lewis family. My youngest sister, Heather, had a baby on July 1st--they named him Landon. Then, on July 4th (the day we arrived), my other sister, Jenny had her baby, whom they named Elliana (they call her "Ellie"). They are so adorable, but look nothing alike. They look like their dads!
The last picture is from our 10-year wedding anniversary date. My turn to plan. We did a "Dr. Seuss" theme. Here we are, dressed up like Thing 1 and Thing 2 from "The Cat in the Hat". And, yes, we are, believe it or not, grown-ups. The grand finale to the date was a hot air balloon ride, which we never ended up taking because the weather was sorta crummy. I am determined to do it before the summer is over! I'll post pictures of that one (I hope).
We are having a great summer, but it's going too quickly. My brother, Ryan gets married next week here in the Seattle area, so all of the fam will be here. Carter has scout day camp and we plan on going to the Adams Family cabin for a visit. There are definitely things to do. Before we know it, it'll be "back to school." I hope you are all having a wonderful summer and keeping cool.