Happy New Year, everyone! Can you believe 2006 is over already? I decided to start this new year out right with a new blog (since it's been over a month since I posted last--sheesh!) I would like to say that I've made a new year's resolution to be better about posting--you know, something like, "I will now post a new blog every week. But...let's be realistic. It's probably not gonna happen. I will keep posting, but only when I darn well feel like it! Hopefully, I'll have a different computer to use soon, so I won't have to deal with the technical retardation of this one. Anyway, I have a lot of catching up to do! So, an explanation of these photos. October through December is birthday season in our house, not to mention loads of holidays! It's busy, busy, busy. I've included a birthday photo of each of our three birthday kids. First, there's Avery, who turned six on November 15th. She has been really into monkeys lately, so she had a Curious George party. Her Grandma Anita bought her a huge Curious George doll, which she was thrilled about. Carter turned the Big "8 "on December 14th. The power went out that night, due to the huge windstorm our area endured. It was out for 3 1/2 days!! We were lucky compared to some. There were some areas that were without power for a couple of weeks. Yikes! Anyway, we ended up going through with Carter's birthday party on Saturday morning, even though you could see your breath in our house. The boys all wore there coats for the festivities, that's for sure. Carter got roller blades for his birthday from Jay and I, which is what he had been wanting for awhile. He will be baptized on January 13th and is very excited about it. I can't believe he's 8 already! O.k. so, the last photo is of our little "Ghee Boy", as we all call him. Colby turned one on December 15th. We had to move the family party over to Jay's brother's house because they were the only ones with power. Colby really enjoyed his cake. Can you tell? Before he turned one, COlby wouldn't feed himself anything. As soon as he tasted his cake, that all changed. As you can see, he literally stuffed his whole fist in his wee little mouth. Now, nothing is safe. I find lint, chapstick caps, bells, Polly Pocket accessories, crayons, you name it--Colby will eat it!
We survived the birthday/holiday season! It was a good one. We are looking forward to another wonderful year. Hope you are all doing just grand!
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