Tuesday, April 24, 2007

As you can see, I still haven't figured out how to rotate my photos in Blogger. My brother is probably laughing at me at this point and thinking I am a complete dunce. Laugh it up, Bobie! I barely make the time to post a blog, let alone taking the time to figure out all of the technicalities. SO, live with it! And get used to cranking your neck to the side so as to better view the vertical photos.
Anyway, I picked out quite a few tidbits to post this time. First, we have Maia dressed as Blossom, her favorite Powerpuff Girl. O.k., so if you ever happen to watch an episode of The Powerpuff Girls, you might think , "Hmm...this isn't exactly a kid show. " BUt, it's a cartoon, so...it's a kid's show, right? Actually, I'm not that naive. It's a pretty funny show and my kids love what they've seen. Maia decided she wanted a Powerpuff Girl birthday party this year. SHe was so excited to have her hair spray painted orange! I can't believe Maia is four already! Now, if we could just get here to make it to the potty every time...
I posted a picture of Easter Sunday morning. DOn't the kids look cute in their matchy matchy Easter outfits? Or did you even notice? Looking at the photo, your attention was probably first drawn to Colby's gi-normous head front and center. Colby was a little upset--now that he can get around on his own, he doesn't take kindly to being "placed" anywhere. SO, a posed picture with the siblings...out of the question! I thought it was rather amusing.
The rest of the photos were taken this past weekend at Jay's youngest sister's wedding. I stuck a picture of Jay and I in here because, well, I wanted you all to see how much we've grown! Just kidding. Not that you really want to see photos of us--you're viewing this blog to see pictures of our cute little munchkins, no doubt. So, sorry!
There is a picture of all the little nieces in their cute dresses and Marianna, the blushing bride. Don't you just want to eat 'em all up like a big load of cheese and bread? That was kind of a joke. Explanation: None of us had eaten dinner before the reception began, so we all pigged out on Mari's reception fare--cheese, bread, and cheescake! Unfortunately, no one thought to keep a plunger handy at the church! (HA, HA)
THe last picture definitely needs some explaining. Jay and his brothers thought it would be funny to put Beneficial Life bumper stickers (that they found in Ray's truck) on the backs of their parents during the family picture session at the reception. The funniest part of all is that Ray wasn't aware of his sticker, but fully aware of Anita's, as you can see from the photo. Joke's on you, Ray! We all thought this was uproariously funny. The Adams are not known for their maturity.
Anyway, hope you are all pleased with this very lengthy blog. Toodles!


Ray said...

Hilary: this is the third time I have written this e-mail... my frustration is similar to yours with regards to your comment about the erasing of one of your blog entries.

It is Sunday morning; I read your entire blog. It is great.

Comment: you do dramatically under estimate your "wonderfulness". I loved you, Ray

Ray said...

Hilary: because I type so slowly, I use a program that allows me to talk while it types. It is very good... but not flawless. I noticed when my comment finally posted, that the ending salutation utilized the " past" tense of the verb... I want you to know that the "d" should be removed, as I still do, and always will. For the "unfamiliar" non-family reader, I am her father-in-law.