The summer is over. I can't believe it! It went by way too fast, although a certain older son of mine began driving me a wee bit crazy (he was "bored" and very anxious to start the fast-paced school life). I'll include "first day of school" photos in the next blog. I am getting way too behind!
Heather and Kyle have been married for just over a month already. I included my favorite photo from the wedding. It captures the very essence of the whole experience. Heather and Kyle had planned a special surprise for everyone--they somehow managed to get Heath (the biological father of Heather's little boy, Hunter) to write a letter of permission to the temple so that Hunter could be sealed to them for time and all eternity. It was the most amazing and wonderful thing! After Heather and Kyle were sealed, Hunter came in dressed all in white. Talk about no dry eyes! Even though the actual adoption is not complete, the Robinsons were able to be sealed as a family. Awesome.
There's a photo of my hairy brother, Ryan holding Colby. It was taken Labor Day weekend when he was in Seattle visiting his girlfriend, Megan's family. The kids sure love their crazy Uncle Ryan! I included the picture because it is a really cute one.
Maia is finally potty trained (I might have mentioned that before--my memory is sliding...sliding...sliding). It has not been without bumps along the way. She has been our most difficult to potty train thus far. In fact, she is still having accidents, which we haven't had to deal with too much with the other two. It's rather frustrating. The picture was taken at our little "Pee Pee in the Potty" Party. She's sporting the princess dress we bought her has a reward (since then, it has been up on the fridge a handful of times, based on her frequency of accidents).
Lastly, there's Colby's "gimpy leg" (see it there? Written on his cast? Carter wrote it). It finally came off on Friday--Hallelujah! The last week or two were the worst. I think Colby had finally had it. He was getting violent. I was changing his diaper and he brought his leg up and then slammed it down on my finger. Ouch! Jay took to wearing a cup whenever he was holding him because...um, well, you get them picture (and he didn't really wear a cup). Needless to say, we were all ready to see that thing go. Hopefully, he'll start to crawl soon.
So, that's catching us up (for the most part). Hope everyone is enjoying the last little bit of summer weather before the fall comes (well, except the fam in Arizona, where it's summer all the time)!
Hey Hilary! We just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!
love, Kirs and the fam
Ooh! More wedding pictures!!! And I've noticed, with all the many pictures on your page, I don't see one of YOU!
How ya doin'?
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