I just wanted to post a few pictures of our summer thus far. It's been pretty quiet. We seem to be the only family on the Eastside (or in the whole country possibly) that isn't involved in swim lessons. It's mostly because we're poor, although it is nice not having to be somewhere at a certain time everyday. I can't seem to get anywhere before noon these days! It's been a rather lazy dazy summer, and at this point, I'm grateful for that.
An explanation of these pics: Well, there's Carter, livin' it up in Hood Canal. We went to the Adams Family cabin a few weekends ago with some friends. The weather was great! The kids had a fabulous time jumping on the trampoline, splashing in the water, and being extremely loud (as only kids in large numbers can). At one point, I should admit that we locked the kids outside for awhile (well, actually, it was only for about 5 minutes). The babies were napping and the other kids kept coming inside and being loud after being told repeatedly not to. So, we locked them out and enjoyed a rather amusing time watching them bang on the windows and doors. There's also a picture of Maia and her bestest friend, Helena Chao sitting on a chair on the porch at the cabin. These two are like two peas in a pod, I tell you! Maia won't take a whole lot of flack from anyone, except Helena. We haven't spent much time at the beach, but this past week, we met some friends at Juanita Beach and the kids had a great time playing. We weren't even there for five minutes and Avery was already top to bottom sand (as in the picture here). Out little dirt magnet! She rode home naked, which she thought was fantastic. Next, there's the picture of Colby with Grandpa Ray. It was taken at Ray's birthday party a few weeks ago. And lastly, a photo of Colby meeting his Great-Grandma Eve for the first time. Families are the best! My parents were just in town, too. I'll post some pictures from that adventure on the next blog, hopefully. Hope everyone is keeping cool this summer. We're not--right now our house is 81 degrees and it's only 9 am. Can't wait for the afternoon sun to beat down! We gotta get some screens on these windows!
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