More pictures from the yard! Man, do we love it, but boy, what a load of work! I have been obsessed with trying to keep some semblance of order to our yard. Going from having just a deck with a few potted flowers on it to having over half an acre of wilderness and grass (and geez, there's some grass!), has been an interesting challenge. Especially since our funds are so limited right now. You'll notice our lengthy grass in the picture of Carter picking dandelions.
This doesn't even hold a candle to our front yard. There were spots that came up to my knees practically! Can we say "white trash?" Luckily for us, we live away from suburbia, more or less. A few dandelions are acceptable out here. Jay said, "Hilary, we will never have a putting green for a yard like your Dad does!" Yes, yes--I'm well aware. "But, we do need a lawn mower!", I was quick to point out (a few too many times, apparently--Jay and I had a little, uh, disagreement about this issue. What can I say? I'm a colossal nag). To make a long story short, I ended up going to Lowe's and buying a lawn mower. I spent three or four separate sessions mowing the lawn. Yeah. I've never ever mowed before. But I have to say, all the sweat and sore muscles was well worth it. What a sense of accomplishment! So now we need an edger, you know--to get the very attractive foot-high "fringe" we now have bordering the edges of our yard down to a "non-white trash" standard. Oh well! There's always something.
So, I'll quickly explain the photos. The top right of Maia in her snow mittens says a lot about her personality. She wanted to help me with the gardening and because I was wearing gloves, she had to, too. We even own a pair of kid's garden gloves, but No! She had to have her "pink gloves". Needless to say, she found it a little difficult to help in the garden with those monsters. The top right photo is a family dinner picnic on our newly-mowed front lawn. Excitement. Bottom left: Carter helping me de-weed the back yard (I think he was getting sick of listening to me whine about the dandelions). And bottom right is yet more fun in the yard. We don't own a kiddie pool as of right now. The weather has been beautiful and so, we got out the laundry bucket and filled it with water. What innocently began as playing with plastic turtles in the water, became a fully-clothed bath for my girls! No big surprise there. Anyway, hope you all enjoy the photos!
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