O.k...so I haven't figured out how to rotate these pictures yet. But I did want to post these because they say a lot about the personalities of my three oldest children.
A few weeks ago, the weather, although not warm, was not freezing cold. We went out in the yard so that I could pull my first weeds. I realized just how much work keeping up a yard is going to be (especially without a lawnmower and an edger--we'll get them eventually. Man, we're broke!) Anyway, the previous owners left a sprinkler and a hose and so the kids really wanted to turn it on--"Just to water the grass, Mom." Well, I'm not a complete idiot. I knew the only grass that would be watered would be the grass they had picked up on their clothes. I let them turn it on anyway and they had a blast! Avery (my dirt-magnet five-year-old) was soaked head to toe in less than five minutes. In the picture above, she's also "flapping" like mad because she's so excited. Go figure. Maia
(my fiesty three-year-old) was quick to follow her older sister into the flood. But then there's Carter (my seven-year-old). Notice how he is standing as far away from the water as possible filling the watering can. Not a drop to be had on that guy! Big shock. His hair is an orangey-red because it was crazy hair day at school that day. The girls, of course, "needed" a bath afterwards because they were really cold--duh!
It does wonders for my happiness to see my kids enjoying our new yard so much. So long to the boxy little condo! I just hope I don't kill all of the desirable plantlife.
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