Sunday, February 12, 2006

Jared (or "Jay" to some--I've never called him Jared, not even when he's in trouble) and I met almost 14 years ago at a youth Pioneer Trek. We were both stupid and giddy high school kids that called each other things like, "Lary" and "Curly". I was "Lary" (as in HiLary) and Jay was "Curly" (well, he had curly hair which he grew out really long in front and then slicked back--Sweet!). We often wondered, "Who's Moe?" In my vivid romantic imaginings, I pictured Moe as our first child. Jay, on the other hand, didn't even know what a "romantic imagining" was. He had no clue that he would one day marry his stupid and giddy high school friend, Lary. So now, almost 14 years later, Lary and Curly have four little "Moes" (none of which are called "Moe", ironically). Anyway, that is a long-winded reason for both our address and our blog title. Hopefully, we can use this blog to post some fun things about our little family of stooges.

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