Every year, as a Christmas gift, Jay and I plan a creative dinner for his parents. It works out really well, since Ray and Anita have everything they could possibly need or want that is within our meager price range. Four Christmases ago we started doing this and it was such a hit, that we've kept it up as a tradition. The dinner has a theme (of course--what would life be like without themes?). We've done a ballroom dance with a fancy dinner(we dressed up real nice); we did a mystery dinner (everyone was dressed in detective garb); last year was our "pajama" party, where we wore p.j.'s and had breakfast for dinner; and finally, this year, we had a "Mother Goose" evening. We all dressed as characters from different nursery rhymes and the food I served came from nursery rhymes, too. For example, we had roast beef (from "This little piggy went to market"), a cottage cheese-based fruit salad ("Little Miss Muffet... eating her curds and whey"), cherry cream cheese tarts for dessert ("The Queen of Hearts made some tarts"), and water served from a pail ("Jack and Jill"), etc. We also gave them an old Mother Goose nursery rhymes book that we doctored a little (we included some of our own nursery rhymes). It was a great evening! Of course, the best part was spending time talking with Jay's parents. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to post a few pictures from the whole event, which was last Saturday.
O.k. so, I've included the pictures, but obviously, they need to be flipped. I don't know how to do it because I am not in the least computer saavy. Use your imagination and in the meantime, I'll try to learn how to use this thing! The top picture features the Three Blind Mice (Colby had to be included--the other kiddies were at a friend's house so that we could enjoy some uninterrupted adult time). The middle one is Ray and Anita as Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater and Old Mother Hubbard. The last photo is well...a table shot. Notice the faces on the plates and spoons? You guessed it--"Hey diddle diddle...." Fun, isn't it?