I truly haven't dropped off the face of the planet--I've just been busy! And let me just say that I absolutely detest this computer. I spent forty minutes yesterday uploading these photos and typing in a really witty blog and I reached the very end and was just about to hit the "publish" option, when this piece of technological junk froze up! I should just be grateful to have a computer at all, but sometimes...sheesh! What a colossal waste of time. Anyway, you will now get the condensed version of what I typed yesterday, for fear of the "iceman" freezing this lame-o again.
So, these are some Halloween photos. Carter was Darth Vadar (we borrowed a costume and had to spend $40 to replace it because...he ripped it the first time he tried it on--oh well), Avery was the Wicked Witch of the West (she loved the green face paint, which aided the deception that she is truly "wicked"), and Maia was the infamous "Raccoonicorn", which makes for an interesting conversation piece. When asked what she was for Halloween, Maia responded, "A 'Coonicorn!'" I would, of course, have to explain the story behind the legendary mythical creature. (One last time for Blog's sake! Bought the unicorn costume for Avery when she was three. Washed. Stuck in dryer--big No No! Hair on mane and tail melted. Seriously looks like a rainbowy raccoon tail!) Oh, and Colby was "cheese and crackers"(get it? Colby Jack cheese? Well, we thought it was funny!) Anyway, the kids had a great Halloween and got lots of candy (or so they think. Just wait 'til they're older and can run from house to house faster--bring on the pillow cases-full!) Oh, and the picture of Avery with the funny glasses and Colby clearly entertained...it's just for laughs!
Hope everyone is enjoying themselves as we dive headfirst into the crazy holiday season. I know our house is a'bustlin' with birthdays and the like. Hold on everyone--"it's gonna be a bumpy ride!"