I can't believe summer is almost over (and I've probably only posted two blogs the whole time). I guess we've just been busy, although I'm not exactly sure what we've been busy doing. I swear our kids are the only kids not in swim lessons, which I think I mentioned in the previous blog. Maybe next summer. Anyway, I had a friend ask me yesterday if our kids spent a lot of time in our new yard. "Hmm..well...actually no, not really." Sad, but true. We've wanted a yard for so long and now we have a big wild one and our kids really don't go out in it much. Sure, they used the new kiddie pool for a stretch at the beginning of the summer and the sprinkler comes on once in awhile. Inside the house seems to be the place to be, though. I feel like I should've done bettergetting my children out of the house, but let's be honest. Will they really remember much about this summer later on?
Enough rambling about my failings as a mother. Some explanation for these photos is in order. My parents came end of July and while they were here, my dad did some odd jobs for us. So,a photo of Carter being a "helper." He's sanding the wall down, in preparation for a new paint job. I mean, I really didn't want to paint over the lovely shade of turquoise (or teal or vomit green or whatever). It is actually now a lovely shade of brown (it looks so much better--thanks, Dad!). We also got new vertical blinds--they no longer clash with everything. So, it's the nasty tile around the fireplace that needs handling next.
Then, there's the quinessential Avery photo--she's covered in mud and loving it! And Maia on her first pony ride. She had to go back and do it three times, I think. BOth of these photos were taken at a company picnic that we were invited to by some friends.
And there's sweet Colby Bear (I call him that sometimes). I love the one where he was crying and then I got him to laugh. His smile is priceless, I tell ya! The last photo needs some explanation. So, see Colby's leg? Yeah. O.k. most of you know this story already, but here it is anyway. Sunday afternoon. On the way to a family get-together. Light splattering of rain on the front porch. Colby and I. Walking down porch steps. My feet. Slippp! I get a nastily bruised bum and Colby gets a fracture in his right femur (that's "thigh bone" for those of you who are medical term-challenged). It was so scary! But, he's been a real sport about it--can't you tell from the picture? His leg was in that splint for a week and now he's in a bright blue cast (which I'll post pictures of later) until Sept. 8th. He's doing really well--swings that blue leg of his like a pro (and man, does it hurt when it whacks you). The kids had a good time writing on Colby's cast. Carter wrote, "Gimpy leg". Ha ha. You can imagine how many times I have told the story of "Colby's Leg"--going into public is a nightmare! How often do you see an eight-month-old baby with a cast on his leg? I'm surprised CPS hasn't stopped by for tea.
Anyway, I guess we've had a pretty adventurous summer for not going anywhere. Oh, wait. We did go somewhere. We went to Arizona (just Jay, Colby, and I) for my baby sister's wedding a few weeks ago. I'll post a separate blog on that one. Ta-Ta for now.