On Saturday, Maia turned three! We had a little birthday party for her on Friday morning, which was more or less a time for the kids to run around the house with their little friends and the moms to sit around and talk. Most of the kids came dressed up (well, it was a dress-up party). Guess what Maia wore? You'll never guess so look in the picture at the left to get a clue. Yep--the infamous "Pink Dress". Maia started wearing it daily two weeks before Halloween and pretty much didn't take it off until after Christmas. She still wears it occasionally around the house (I won't let her wear it in public anymore, but she doesn't seem to care, thankfully). I guess for nostalgic reasons she decided to wear it at her b.day party! I put some make-up on her, too--she looked like our little "Sweet Pea Princess", as her Grandma Cindy likes to call her. On Saturday morning when she got up, Jay gave her a hug and exclaimed, "All done with the Terrible Twos! On to the Terrific Threes!" Hmmm...I'm not as optimistic as Jay, I guess. Sometimes, our little "Sweet Pea" can be a little "Spicy Pepper." We love our Maia Jean!